Sunday, September 25, 2011

Order Free Nerolac’s Home Painting Guide Through Facebook

Now a days it seems like every paint company is distributing free pairing guide, Earlier we covered Asian Paints' Happy painting guide and similar to that Nerolac has also started giving a guide which could help you in painting your home but in the past you have to send a SMS to get this free guide but not anymore as now you can order this free home painting guide through Facebook. To order your guide follow the below steps:
  1. Visit Nerolac Facebook Fan Page
  2. Like it and click on the "Healthy Homes Paint Guide" Tab in the left Sidebar 
  3. Enter your Details like Name,Address etc and wait for your guide to arrive

The Nerolac Home Painting Guide Was A Total waste of time , It consisted of nothing related to painting and only contained information on how Nerolac Paints is better than other paints . So , if you dont want to waste your time , leave it and instead , ORDER Asian Paints' Happy painting guide. It has all the information about painting .

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